Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wholesale Slaughter

This issue of gun ownership in the U.S. is quite disturbing.  I don't think average Americans need automatic weapons to defend themselves. I don't even think most people think they do.  But only one person in America seems willing to stand up for this cause on a regular basis - and he is a Brit.

Piers Morgan of CNN initiated a one-man crusade against semi-automatic weapons after the Connecticut school shooting.  He's not letting up and his evening program deals with the issue almost daily.  He just cannot fathom the hold the NRA has over congress, this body of elected officials who are supposed to listen to their constituents and who clearly do not.
Whatever the gun problem is, it's unhealthy, it's harmful, and it's got to stop.  Have your guns if you really feel you need them, but keep them locked away from children and for goodness sake, keep them out of the hands of deranged young men.  

The NRA may say that PEOPLE kill people, but without these awful automatic weapons in their hands, people can't perform wholesale slaughter, can they?


  1. Nice blog!! Agree with this one. I wonder what would turn up if someone "followed the money" to the NRA???

  2. I shudder to think of following the money to the NRA --and who we'd find on the list.
