Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Dirty Little "F" Word

Feminism - a word we don't hear as much these days as when I was young in the 60s.  But it has reared it's head of late with the new book, Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. Apparently, we haven't come a long way, baby. According to Sandberg, women are still content to sit on the sidelines. It's a sad heart breaker. 

Sandberg mentions that successful men are well-liked and successful women aren't.  This was true 50 years ago and it's still true today.  What else is new?  And will it ever change?  Perhaps, but the two generations I thought it would take to see real change at the level of middle class America will probably become four generations, which puts the end result after my time. 

Kudos to those women in my lifetime who have broken the glass ceiling, setting a terrific example for young women on the rise: Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Hillary Clinton, Sandra Day O'Connor, Condoleeza Rice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Madeleine Albright, among many others.  Hillary, I sure hope you run!

Friday, March 29, 2013


my stone age art

I started to write a blog post today and couldn't get my thoughts together.  So I quit and went to take a shower. Voila!  Ideas came pouring out as though the water falling from the shower head released the pent up musings.  Just picture me repeating my idea over and over so I won't forget it before I can get to the computer.  Now I have to invent a not-to-be-waterlogged pencil and paper or some other device so I can write it all down while I'm thinking about it before the idea flits away. Where do you do your best thinking??  You might be surprised at the answer! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Little Synapses

A drawing of mine - little synapses firing away!

Here's a great quote by A.E. Housman:

Knowledge is good, method is good, but one thing beyond all others is necessary; and that is to have a head, not a pumpkin, on your shoulders and brains, not pudding, in your head.
Some days, I think the pudding in there is winning. Such is the fate of the aging process that we just don't think straight every single day.  Maybe it's because we are getting addled truly, or maybe it's because we aren't paying as much attention as we used to.  In either case, those synapses aren't firing like they used to, are they?

The Blogosphere - a Dark Hole???

Is this where all the blog entries go??

I'm not really sure what all this blog stuff is about.  This picture I drew seems to capture my idea of it all.  Oh, I know it's a place to put whatever you want, but there are so many ways to use the blog and access the blog and I'm not that clear on any of them.  

Here is what I do know.  You can "follow" me and subscribe to my blog by clicking something, somewhere, but I haven't quite found it yet .. I thought I did, then it disappeared...maybe it's back by now. 

You can comment on a post by clicking on "comment" under the post.  

I can put you on an email list if you want all my posts sent to you that way.  Or you can bookmark the page and look at it occasionally. Or you can do nothing and never read the blog.

Beyond that, I guess there is a whole world out there who could find me in other ways.  I wonder if anyone will.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fluttering By

Sometimes a butterfly flutters around you, as though inviting you to follow.  A butterfly can go many places and so can a blog reader.  I have a business web site you might like to check out: and I have an art sales site, Very different sites, very different sides of who I am. 

And while you are at it, Google me.  You'll find a lot of my business writing online and if you drill deep enough, you'll find out what public office I ran for!  Take a look!  How many different sides do YOU have?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Twists and Turns

Here is a piece of my art that shows our twists and turns. We all have them. Maybe we can untie our knots together by thinking and writing and commenting!

I’ve resisted writing this blog for about 5 years because I didn’t want it to be a place to rant and rave. We all are thinking all the time.  Some are just better at getting the words out. So I hope that my writing about my ideas - without ranting and raving - helps you clarify your words and your ideas. Sort of like food for thought.

I’ve learned from living in an over-55 community that folks are hesitant to speak up about what they feel or think because they might be branded as “negative”.  I don't agree with that.  If we don't talk about what we think, we can't get any other perspectives on it and then we get stuck in our own trap.  Besides, living happily is not about being falsely positive, it’s about being real.  And if you don't say what's on your mind you won’t find out who thinks like you do, and then you’ll get isolated and sad.  But when you find like-thinkers, wow!  

So, since I’m not afraid to say what I think (or at least mostly not afraid), I’ll start the conversation and you can join in as you please. Maybe you’ll get into trouble, like I always have, but it’s GOOD trouble.

Join me.  I'll try to keep the blog posts brief ......................well, maybe brief :).