Monday, March 25, 2013

Twists and Turns

Here is a piece of my art that shows our twists and turns. We all have them. Maybe we can untie our knots together by thinking and writing and commenting!

I’ve resisted writing this blog for about 5 years because I didn’t want it to be a place to rant and rave. We all are thinking all the time.  Some are just better at getting the words out. So I hope that my writing about my ideas - without ranting and raving - helps you clarify your words and your ideas. Sort of like food for thought.

I’ve learned from living in an over-55 community that folks are hesitant to speak up about what they feel or think because they might be branded as “negative”.  I don't agree with that.  If we don't talk about what we think, we can't get any other perspectives on it and then we get stuck in our own trap.  Besides, living happily is not about being falsely positive, it’s about being real.  And if you don't say what's on your mind you won’t find out who thinks like you do, and then you’ll get isolated and sad.  But when you find like-thinkers, wow!  

So, since I’m not afraid to say what I think (or at least mostly not afraid), I’ll start the conversation and you can join in as you please. Maybe you’ll get into trouble, like I always have, but it’s GOOD trouble.

Join me.  I'll try to keep the blog posts brief ......................well, maybe brief :).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As your older brother, I want to first compliment you on this whole thing... I am so impressed. But second, some of the characteristics you describe as your own seem VERY familiar to me, because I have them too, and I could not agree more that you simply must speak your mind to ultimately be comfortable with yourself. It makes me wonder if this is a "family characteristic" or just you and me... :-) Mark
