Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weiner's Wiener

                                                                    Weiner's wiener, just a bit creepy,
He flashes it about without care.
He thinks he'll get away with it
Unfortunately, it's not rare.

Perhaps the world of voters will,
after careful thought, declare
Weiner's wiener can't fill the bill
Get him out of our hair.

Bad boys ever will be
But tolerate them, I dare
To tell those irksome jerks
Get out of site, and stay there.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Heat

It's summer.  It's hot. I can't think of a thing I want to expound on!!  Must be because it is summer and IT IS HOT.  Living where I live, the summers feel like a blast furnace and venturing out is tough in the afternoon!  So I'm staying snug and cool.  How about you?

Here's a bit of my pattern art  to fill some space...:).  Maybe we can kick this summer heat to the curb!

Friday, July 12, 2013


There are two sides to every story.  Commentators try to present both sides, but bias seeps in.  I suppose it is difficult to keep it out.    Sometimes, the court of public opinion tries the case before it ever gets to the judicial system, and then it is doubly hard to try the case fairly. 

One thing I have learned from past jury service is to never criticize the jury's decision.  It is deliberate, studied, carefully determined, and whether or not we like the outcome, justice was served by the process.

We are lucky to have  the kind of court system we do in America. Whether I'd personally want a jury trial remains to be seen, and probably would depend on the crime,  but the system works in its own way and I would never think to criticize a jury for its decision.  They are the only ones who sat through the trial and listened to the evidence by decree. Then, they are bound by the judge's instructions and the limitations of legal definitions of what constitutes a crime.  They work hard and their decision is not made lightly.

Even in the appalling OJ Simpson trial, justice was served, as we define it in America.  

Friday, July 5, 2013


In my last entry, I wrote about my favorite word, heft.  That got me to thinking about my LEAST favorite word and I have decided that it is lackluster.  

I can tolerate just about anything in a personality except lack of it.  To me, a person with no oomph or passion, no flare or "zazzle," has nothing to capture my attention.  There is a sheen that envelops us, as though oil was dripped onto us to bring out our luster, and if we don't let that sheen emanate outward to the world, we cannot be very much fun to be around.

I want to be around a person who sends a vibe that says "Listen to me.  I have something important/funny/insightful/yearning to say."  You don't have to be loud or pushy about it.  In fact, some of the most interesting people I know have the least to say.  But when they say something, everyone listens. 

I want to see things from your viewpoint.  I won't always agree and, sometimes, you will make me downright uncomfortable or even stressed being around you. But I'll never accuse you of being lackluster.