Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Big Brother

Well, Big Brother has been watching for a very long time and, as far as I’m concerned, there’s little I can do about it.  If I was a white collar criminal or terrorist, I’d be more worried. 

The only time I got really upset about Big Brother watching me was when I got caught by a trafficam in Los Angeles.  I zipped through a barely-turned red light at a busy intersection, thinking I had cleverly decreased my travel time by a few minutes (it's a long light at that corner).  So much for being smug.  A few days later, I got a whopper of a bill in the mail with a photograph of me - albeit blurred - committing the crime and a time stamp showing I missed by 3 seconds.  Sure, I tried to fight it, but who can fight Big Brother and win?

We live in a different era and we are spied on from everywhere.  Do you ever use Google?  Then someone knows everything about you that they need to target you for a variety of legal and non-legal matters.  It's the way of the world today.  

All I can say is, if you cant' beat 'em, just shut up and endure 'em.  Your alternative is to shut off the computer, stay out of your car, don't walk into any commercial establishment with a camera setup and just shrivel up while you knit an endless array of sweaters no one wants.

Ain't life grand?

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