Monday, June 3, 2013


What is the problem with using apostrophes?  If there is one punctuation error that feels to me like nails scratching on a chalkboard, this is the one.    Has grammar become completely obsolescent?  While I'm probably preaching to the choir, here is the rule:
I'm not using THIS bank

Use " 's"  when you want to show possession. For example:  "This is Stefanie's blog."  The apostrophe before the "s" shows that I own the blog.

Use no apostrophe when you want to show a plural. For example:  "There are two Stefanies sitting in the room."

What is so hard about that rule?  Why does most of the American population think they have to put an apostrophe before any "s"??  This drives me crazy.  And here's a double grammar whammy I just came across: "Heroe's in my life."  Don't even get me started on how wrong this one is.

Eek-from a sign painter, no less.

I guess teaching grammar went the same way as teaching cursive handwriting.  Excuse me, but what do they teach in school anymore besides teaching for the tests??

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