Monday, May 6, 2013

Protecting Incompetence

Educator Rita Pierson, at a TED Talks Education event, said this:  "...where are our standards for educators?  Why do we allow incompetence to remain?  .........I am not aware of any corporate entity (other than schools) that passes incompetence around in a circle." 

To the contrary, Ms. Pierson, there is no lack of incompetence in corporations.  They feverishly pass failing executives around in a circle and incapable managers rise to their true level of inability, regularly.  Often, it's done to just get them out of the way.  Must you look any further than the recent finance industry mismanagement to see this happening all around you?

It's not a matter of seeking competence, rather a matter of covering mistakes.  Incompetents in any field are protected to avoid the embarrassing reality of poor hiring and unwarranted promotions.  It is easier to move personnel around or let staff become scapegoats than to correct a hiring error.

If you think that there is more incompetence in the field of education than in the corporate world, then you are not paying attention.  My sister always said the wheels of business are square. She's right.

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